Adjustment of Status

Legal Advocates Helping You Obtain An Adjustment Of Status

We Can Advocate On Your Behalf In An Adjustment Of Status Petition

There are a number of advantages to living and staying in the United States during the green card application process. Adjustment of status is a procedure that allows eligible individuals who were born outside of the U.S., but who are currently living in the U.S., to stay in the country and become a lawful permanent resident (LPR).

To apply for adjustment to permanent resident status, you must have entered the country legally. There are a few exceptions to this, including a provision that protects physically abused family members. The immigration attorneys at Henry & Grogan in Philadelphia can provide more details.

It’s A Complex Process — Don’t Go It Alone

Your application for adjustment of status must include a basis for immigration — i.e., a family member, an employer, special immigration classification or a humanitarian basis. Generally, another individual (a family member or an employer, for example) must file the adjustment of status application on your behalf.

Aliens who live outside of the U.S. or who are ineligible to adjust their status while living in the U.S. may seek a visa to enter as a permanent U.S. resident under a process known as “consular processing.” We can assist you with this or any family-based immigration matter.

An applicant for adjustment of status must meet several criteria, including:

  • Current documentation of temporary legal status within the United States
  • Approval of all prerequisite petitions
  • Availability of the desired class of immigrant-track visa
  • No pending removal proceedings
  • No history of unauthorized employment or criminal activity

Applicants must remain eligible for permanent residency throughout the process. If an applicant’s availability for a desired immigrant-track visa changes for any reason, such as the death of one’s only permanent resident relative, the applicant may no longer be eligible for a family-based permanent resident card.

You Will Work With Our Immigration Attorneys From Start To Finish

The adjustment of status process is complex. Our adjustment of status attorneys are thoroughly knowledgeable about the traps that can lead to a delay or denial. You are assured of working directly with our lawyers from start to finish.

There is an influx of documents and paperwork that must be processed in almost every immigration matter. However, we never forget that, at its core, immigration law is about the people who seek a new life in the U.S. We take a personal interest in every client’s case.

We invite you to schedule a free consultation in which we can answer your questions and recommend an effective course of action. We represent individuals in Greater Philadelphia and throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania as well as neighboring states. Call 215-568-1500 or use our online contact form to schedule a meeting.